Due to unforeseen delays, we have had to make the hard decision to postpone the Opening Party and change the Store Opening to a week later.

Store Opening Weekend
Friday, the 14th of June, 12:00 - 20:00
Saturday, the 15th of June, 10:00 - 17:00
- chilled drinks & bubbles  - 

As for the Opening Party, for which we have had the pleasure to receive so many RSVPs, it will now be held during Amsterdam Fashion Week, on:

Opening Party
Friday, the 6th of September, 17:00 - 20:00
Johannes Verhulststraat 33, Amsterdam

- rsvp listing will be send in August -

* We are truly sorry for those who were looking forward to viewing the brand new store and having a party this coming Friday. We will make it up to you in September.
And for those who made appointments for a private viewing on Saturday, you'll be contacted for a new date/time.

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